1. She said she would meet me at the corner Starbucks. The meeting was just grueling, too awkward to be fun, too forced to be funny. I do not even remember what I ordered. Mocha or iced tea?
2. I wonder if streets like their corners, the stopping joints that chop their limbs, speckled by our disregarded cigarette stubs and black bubble-gum dots.
3. A roundabout does not have corners.
4. 90° angles are special; they are the only angles that can make a square.
5. Squares are where people meet for coffee.
6. One corner + one corner = a chevron pattern connecting the globe.
7. The cornerstone is the most powerful part of the bridge; it supports the weight, preventing the whole structure from collapsing.
8. What is my cornerstone? What holds me together? What keeps me from collapsing?
9. Moving from one street corner to the next, one may feel a need to pass the distance quickly and put that uncomfortable human interaction behind. We measure the scale of our distance in thick white crosswalk lines. Hurry! Left. Right. Left. Right.
10. Make a left here. I am meeting her at the corner cafe.
11. That is where I told her I no longer wanted coffee.
12. My knee hit the corner of the table and got bruised. I stood up too quickly. I can still feel the pain if I push hard enough.
13. At the corner, so many people are converging/merging/diverging. It is a brief instant when we are together. No one cares because we have places to be.
14. I think that is why I am always cutting corners.
15. When cutting a square, the hypotenuse becomes the longest side of the right triangle. A dissection of an intersection. It is another form of rejection. Our perception that everything moves too slowly.
16. I think everyone is cutting corners.
17. Sometimes, I back into the corners deep within myself. Trapped in my own worlds, alone/unleashed/floating; I am just hoping that if I ignore everyone else I will get there faster.
18. I think, in the future, people will get rid of corners completely. After all, stop-and-go traffic is not cost-effective: it wastes gas. No, in the future, people will ride on fast trains that only move in straight continuous lines. Some engineers will really pitch it, sell it to you, make you see it. Everyone will fly into tomorrow, never having to stop. Never meeting at corners. Never having an awkward cup of coffee.